DIY Long-Layered Hair Cut

diy long layered hair cut

After watching countless videos on YouTube, I decided to try to cut my own hair. Before COVID hit, I would have never dreamed of cutting my own hair. Once in college, I asked my roommate to give me a trim, and she cut diagonally straight across my hair with blunt scissors….needless to say, I was at a hair salon about 15 minutes later. So, with every cut I made, I was NERVOUS. You can see it on my face…and in much of the video below I had to edit out all the times I went to cut it and didn’t LOL. But I hope this helps instill some confidence in you , that you too can cut your own hair!

CAN I CUT MY OWN HAIR?! My 1st Self-Haircut (DIY Long Layered Haircut)


What I found to work best was doing this sequence:

  1. Start with the front section of your hair. Make a part from the front/middle or your ear to the other ear and cut your guide.
  2. Separate your hair into two sections with a middle part and put one section away in a ponytail.
  3. Start with one side and combine your guide and hair parted from behind your ear to the middle of your part. Then cut 1-1.5 inches below the guide. Make sure to point cut up.
  4. Then make another part using your hand as the guide. Place your hand on your head and start the part at the end of your thumb. Then you the hair you just cut as the next guide and cut 1-1.5 inches below that.
  5. Then take the remaining back part of your hair and cut 1-1.5 inches below your last guide.
  6. Do this process to the other side of your head
  7. BLEND and make sure that both sides of your hair are even

Good luck & please let me know how it goes in the comment below if you give it a try! YOU CAN DO IT!

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