Top 5 Books to Read When Starting an Online Business

These 5 books have CHANGED MY LIFE + MY BUSINESS. I truly believe that reading books or listening to audiobooks is one of the best ways to level up in your online business–whatever industry you may be in!

I know that if you read these books, you will gain new ideas at how to better grow your online business through enhanced mindset, branding, and so much more!

Be sure to watch this video, as I give the top takeaway that I learned reading each of these 5 books!

While I share where you can buy these books on Amazon below (affiliate links), I always recommend getting the Libby App! It’s free and it allows you to rent ebooks and audiobooks from your library…even if you don’t have a library card! If you want to learn about that…you can check out this video:

#1: Atomic Habits by James Clear

This is my all-time favorite book. James Clear so easily and eloquently breaks down how to change your identity to start building better habits and gives easy methods to gaining more discipline in your life. I especially loved learning about habit stacking!

#2 Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

This is the best book on branding that you’ll ever read! In two days of reading this book, you’ll have a solid story brand mapped out for your business. I now teach Donald Miller’s method’s from his book in my YouTube coaching program, because I have seen just how much it’s transformed my own business!

#3 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepkah Chopra

This amazing mindset book is the perfect way to start building your online business. You can finish this book in about 2-3 hours, and I highly recommend reading it through once every year to ground yourself. If you apply the 7 spiritual laws that Deepkah teaches about, you will no doubt set yourself up for success.

#4 Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson

As I explain in my video, this book is NOT FUN to read haha! However, it is INCREDIBLY helpful in quickly and efficiently learning how to create funnels within your business. No matter what type of an online business you are running, you need to start thinking about taking your ideal customers through funnels to turn cold leads into warm leads and eventually paying customers or students! I love how Russell breaks down reverse engineering funnels. Funnels were not something I understood well until I read this book! You won’t regret reading this!

#5 Masterclass

I know, I know! This is a cheat, because it’s not really a book. However, my subscription to Masterclass has been SO WORTH IT. I have no referral link, I’m not getting paid to promote them…I am just a HUGE FAN. I have taken so many different classes from people who are in the top of their industry. The Masterclass that I highly recommend for anyone starting an online business is Sarah Blakely’s Masterclass on Entrepreneurship. I cried when it ended…it is AMAZING. If you’re an entrepreneur, she will inspire you and also give you helpful nuggets of wisdom for good branding, mindset, and never taking no for an answer!

Have other book recommendations? Please let me know either in the comments below or hit me up on Instagram!

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