Gogokid Classroom Essentials For New Teachers

Gogokid Classroom Essentials for New Teachers

If you are looking to find all the essentials for your Gogokid classroom, then you’ve come to the right spot! (OR If you haven’t started working for Gogokid yet or are in the middle of applying, be sure to contact me for help! You can find more information here.)

First let me start by saying…Welcome to the Gogokid community!

With almost 4 years of online teaching experience, I understand what it takes to have a successful (and minimalist) classroom! You don’t need hundreds of props and cut-outs to be successful…you just need smiles, the right equipment, and a few essentials!

(This post may contain affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you purchase from one of these links at no extra cost to you.)

Connect with other teachers/”coworkers”

A recommendation I have for you that has been really helpful for me is to create an Instagram just for your online teaching. As an independent contractor, you don’t have any co-workers. So, Instagram is a great place to connect with other Gogokid teachers who share tips on their teaching strategies and schedules on the daily! My Instagram handle is @heydaniejay! Add me and shoot me a message! I have this page exclusively for all things ESL.

Gogokid Classroom Equipment


I love my headset! I use the Mpow headset from Amazon, and I have had it for over a year now. It is good quality, inexpensive, and I also often use it to do voice-overs for my YouTube channel.

Headset with Mic Classroom Essentials


I never used to use a webcam, as I have a MacBook with a decent camera. However, after having some IT issues, I bought a webcam and won’t go back! I found (and many other teachers have agreed) that using an external webcam helps keep your computer cool. When I used my Macbook camera, my computer would slow more quickly and heat up faster. Also, I can adjust the brightness and saturation with my Logitech Camera. There are two versions of this camera, the c920 and the c922. The difference between these two cameras is minimal, so I recommend going for the c290, as it is usually cheaper. I think I paid about $75-80 for mine.

A quick comparison of my two favorite webcams!


For my background, I use my Office AnyChair! I am currently in the stages of redesigning, and so stay tuned for when our next model comes out! It is the perfect portable backdrop for your classroom! You can subscribe to the email list on the website to be the first to know when it relaunches!

Before the Office AnyChair, I used a map from the dollar store. I didn’t like that it was not easy to travel with (as I’d always have to tape it to the wall and it crinkled), but it was inexpensive and great when I wasn’t on the go. Check your local dollar store teacher section for inexpensive posters for your background if you are on a tight budget.


I have found the best way to make sure my face is always well light is by clipping a reading light to the top of my laptop. It’s also easy to pack and travel with! Even if I’m teaching in a hotel room, the reading light is usually enough to brighten my face!


These glasses are a GAME CHANGER. Running my own business online and then teaching for 3 hours at night had my eyes hurting so bad. As soon as I started using these glasses, the strain and pain subsided! I really think these glasses are essential for teachers. This pack I recommend are the ones that I have–They are 5 star rated, inexpensive and come in a 3 pack (one for every room!).


My students LOVE puppets! Puppets are wonderful when trying to explain dialogue and at grabbing a student’s attention back. I always teach with a puppet beside me! Even the older kids get a kick of out the puppet every once and awhile! I got all of my puppets at a little grocery store in Vietnam, but I know many teachers love and use this puppet. You can never go wrong with a puppy!


In order to teach online, you will need a computer or laptop. I think Macbooks are the best option, as they last a very long time. However, my friend used to teach on a Chromebook (which are usually under $300) and it worked great for her for several years! Also, I believe you are now able to teach on an iPad with Gogokid using the Gogokid app! Many teachers will teach on a laptop and have an iPad nearby in case they have an IT issue or computer troubles.

Gogokid classroom Props


All of my props fit in one gallon-size ziplock bag. If you follow other ESL teachers on Instagram, you may have felt overwhelmed looking at some teachers’ classrooms. Don’t worry! You don’t need a whole section of cubbies in your home to be a great teacher. If you are like me and need something that is more minimalist and easy to pack, then look no further!

Make & Print Your Own Props

I make all of my printable props using Canva. Canva is one of the most wonderful tools for teachers and online business owners. It is totally free to use, however, you can also upgrade to their pro version for more features. I pay for the pro version, and I think it is SO worth it

Here is a tutorial showing you how to easily make flashcards using Canva. You can do this with both the free and pro version!

I also always laminate my props. Here is a highly recommended (4.5/5 stars w/ over 6,000 reviews) laminator by Scotch that is on sale at the time I’m writing this for only $22. Printing out and laminating my own props allows me to save money in the long run and make my props exactly how I want them to be. If you like customization and DIY hacks, this is a great one!

Here is a list of all the props I recommend you have for your first classes and for Trial Classes (which you normally have more of as a new teacher):

  • Gogokid Characters
    • You can find the images for the Gogokid characters here.
    • You will want to for sure have: Hannah, Alex, Jack, Amy, Sally, Unee and Dragon (these are the ones I use the most)
  • Click with finger (most kids take classes on iPads, so the clicker cutout helps explain for them to “click” with their finger)
  • Computer Mouse (for students who will be clicking with a mouse–use both this and the “click with finger” props with new students to demonstrate you want the student to “click”)
  • Lemon
  • Peach
  • Colored circles
  • Colored stars

Honestly, this list might seem small, but these are usually the only cut outs that I really use in my teaching! If you start with these, you will be ready to go!

Gogokid classroom Rewards

Google Slides

Teachers are the best and have created free, earth-friendly digital rewards for your online classes with Google Slides! I use Google Slides for all my classes using my phone. If you aren’t sure what Google Slides rewards are, don’t worry, I didn’t know about it either for the longest time. I am so glad I learned about Google Slides because these rewards save me and will save you SO MUCH TIME.

Essentially, Google Slides rewards are interactive rewards that you hold up on your phone or iPad to the camera and your student can pick numbers that have different pictures or pick between 1 or 2 options and slowly build something.

Here is a picture of one of my students picking between options 1 and 2 in order to make a mermaid world for her reward. As you can see, I am holding up my phone. I have never had a parent complain about using my phone for the reward. The kids always love it, and it’s a great way to extend their vocabulary and conversational English.

Hey Danie Jay Its Teacher Danielle Google Slides Example

How do you use Google Slides? You must be a VIPKID or Gogokid teacher to use Google Slides. All you need to do is join the FB group for VIPKID or Gogokid and there you will find directions on how to download it onto your phone/iPad. You will need to make sure that you have the apps Google Slides and Slidekick.



Guess the Drawing

Before I knew about Google Slides, this was my go-to and favorite reward system. It is easy and all you need is a piece of paper and a marker! Every time I give a student a star, I will draw one piece of a picture. I usually draw animals or cartoon characters. Every star adds another piece of the drawing so that by the end, on his/her last star, the picture is complete. The student must guess every star what he/she thinks the picture is of. I always try to draw the picture in an odd order, so it is harder for the student to guess. It makes it more fun for the student once we get to the end! Students of all ages really love this reward. A lot of students will draw the reward out with me. Too fun!

(Please note: This post contains affiliate links of products that I use and love. I receive a commission if you purchase an item from this link at no extra cost to you.)

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