15 Questions to Start Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome By Asking Great Questions

As a coach, I’ve quickly learned that mindset is the biggest factor in determining if someone will be successful or not.

Are your negative thoughts your own worst enemy right now in terms of your business or starting your business? Change your narrative by asking these questions!


Goodbye imposter syndrome! Hello confidence that I can make a difference! #impostersyndrome #fakeittillyoumakeit #femaleentrepreneur #onlineteacher

♬ original sound – heydaniejay

Asking questions is an amazing way to overcoming imposter syndrome. Here is a list of the top 10 questions to ask yourself to over coming imposter syndrome.

Shifting your mindset means shifting your reality which means shifting your life!

  1. How am I unique?
  2. What do I know now that I didn’t when I first started?
  3. What are my successes?
  4. What obstacles have I faced in my journey that I have worked through?
  5. What have I overcome?
  6. How can my unique story help someone?
  7. What different perspectives do I bring to the table?
  8. What struggles have I faced in my journey that I can now speak to and help someone else through?
  9. What do my friends come to me for advice about? What do they praise me for?
  10. What are people attracted to about my personality?
  11. What do I love about myself?
  12. What am I really good at?
  13. Why would someone trust me?
  14. How does my story and personality allow me to run a great business?
  15. How does my story and personality allow me to stand out amongst the crowd?
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